About Us
My team and I developed a software program and trademarked the name, YourStudent™. I have been refining the technology since the 2008-2009 school year with the spirit and encouragement of my community for the purpose of helping our youth overcome the challenges they face.
In the future, when people hear about the company YourStudent™, I hope they associate with an effort that is synonymous with helping build support systems for our youth, teachers and mentors that inspire them ultimately to encourage living life to its fullest, in pursuit of happiness, health, and longevity.
As a licensed practicing 7-12 Technology (STEM) Educator in NC, I have noticed a vital need in our schools to collaboratively analyze 21st century employability skills with our students. YourStudent software was developed to empower our teachers, mentors, students, and parents to maximize the potential of our youth to one day become more ready for success in areas of their lives such as career and higher learning.
Since YourStudent’s inception in the 2008-2009 school year I have worked consistently to refine its capability. In the next five years by 2028 I will work toward inspiring its use with more educators and mentors, collecting data and striving for higher level financing. Thank you to my community for helping inspire me so that I may in turn strive to help inspire our youth.
In Faith,
Matthew Wykoff
Resume- https://yourstudent.com/mattwykoff
Son, Husband, Father, Technology Educator, Innovator
YourStudent™ Founder