Expert Advice at Problem Solving & Avoiding Distraction


How would you recommend to high school students how to become an expert at design thinking in relation to the problem solving process ?

Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that involves understanding the user, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping and testing. Here are some recommendations for high school students who want to become an expert at design thinking:

  1. Learn the principles and process of design thinking: Read books, articles and watch videos to understand the fundamental concepts and the five stages of design thinking.
  2. Practice empathy: Design thinking is about solving problems for people. Empathy helps you understand the users' needs, wants, and limitations. Observe and talk to people to get a better understanding of their problems and experiences.
  3. Build a diverse team: A diverse team can bring different perspectives, experiences, and skills. Collaboration is essential for design thinking.
  4. Use prototyping tools: Use simple prototyping tools such as pen and paper, post-it notes, or digital tools like Figma or Sketch. Prototype your solutions quickly and test them with users.
  5. Experiment and iterate: Design thinking is an iterative process. Test your solutions with users, gather feedback, and improve the solution. Repeat this process until you find the best solution.
  6. Learn from failures: Design thinking is not a linear process, and failure is part of the learning process. Learn from your failures and use them to improve your solution.
  7. Attend workshops or courses: There are many design thinking workshops or courses available online. Attend them to learn from experts and network with other designers.
  8. Build a portfolio: Build a portfolio of your design thinking projects to showcase your skills and experience.

Remember, design thinking is not just a process, it's a mindset. Keep an open mind, be curious, and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. With practice and dedication, you can become an expert at design thinking.


How can youth become better at the problem-solving processes suggested above?

There are several ways youth can become better at the design thinking processes suggested above:

  1. Practice: The more you practice design thinking, the better you will become. Start by applying the process to small problems or challenges, and gradually work your way up to larger ones.
  2. Seek feedback: Get feedback from others, especially from users, to understand what works and what needs improvement. Ask for feedback on your prototypes, solutions, and overall process.
  3. Collaborate: Collaborate with others to learn from their experiences, perspectives, and skills. Working in a team can help you to generate more diverse and creative ideas.
  4. Learn from experts: Attend workshops, conferences, or take online courses to learn from experts in the field. Listen to their experiences, ask questions, and learn from their insights.
  5. Use the right tools: Use the right tools and techniques to support your design thinking process. There are many digital tools and software available, but also use pen and paper, post-it notes, or other low-tech methods to help you brainstorm and prototype.
  6. Develop your skills: Develop skills that are essential for design thinking, such as empathy, creativity, critical thinking, and communication. These skills will help you to identify user needs, generate creative ideas, evaluate and select the best solutions, and communicate your ideas effectively.
  7. Reflect: Reflect on your design thinking process and outcomes. Analyze what went well and what didn't, and identify areas for improvement. This will help you to refine your skills and develop a deeper understanding of the design thinking process.


Remember, becoming better at design thinking is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. By following the steps above, youth can develop the skills and mindset necessary to solve complex problems and make a positive impact on their communities.


There are many distractions that can prevent youth from improving in the areas suggested above. Some of the common distractions include:


  1. Social media and technology: Social media and technology can be a huge distraction and can take away valuable time from practicing design thinking skills. Limiting screen time and taking regular breaks from technology can help reduce distractions.
  2. Lack of focus: Lack of focus and procrastination can prevent youth from practicing design thinking skills. Creating a schedule or a routine and setting achievable goals can help to stay focused and motivated.
  3. Negative self-talk: Negative self-talk and self-doubt can prevent youth from taking risks and trying new things. Encouraging positive self-talk and celebrating small successes can help to build confidence and motivation.
  4. Lack of support: Lack of support from family or peers can be discouraging and prevent youth from pursuing their goals. Finding a supportive community or a mentor who can offer guidance and support can be helpful.
  5. Fear of failure: Fear of failure can prevent youth from taking risks and trying new things. Encouraging a growth mindset, where failure is seen as an opportunity for learning, can help youth to overcome their fear of failure.
  6. Burnout: Overworking oneself can lead to burnout and fatigue, making it harder to stay motivated and focused. Taking breaks, practicing self-care, and finding a balance between work and play can help prevent burnout.

It's important to recognize these distractions and find ways to overcome them. By staying focused, motivated, and persistent, youth can develop their design thinking skills and achieve their goals.