What decision making processes should a high school student use when making affordable education, training and career choices after high school aligned with their desired career pathway?


What decision making processes should a high school student use when making affordable education, training and career choices after high school aligned with their desired career pathway?


Here is a decision-making flowchart that a high school student can use to make affordable education, training, and career choices aligned with their desired career pathway:

  1. Identify your interests and skills:
    • Take career assessments or personality tests to identify your strengths and interests.
    • Reflect on your hobbies, extracurricular activities, and other areas of interest.
  2. Research careers:
    • Explore different career paths that match your interests and skills.
    • Research the job market demand, salary range, and career growth opportunities for each career path.
  3. Evaluate education and training options:
    • Identify the education and training requirements for the careers you are interested in.
    • Research different education and training programs, such as community college, vocational schools, apprenticeships, paid internships w/ institution partners and online certification & credential programs.
  4. Consider the cost:
    • Determine the cost of each education and training program you are considering.
    • Research scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities that can help you pay for your education.
  5. Make a decision:
    • Compare the information you have gathered for each career path and education/training option.
    • Choose the education and training program that aligns with your desired career pathway and is the most affordable.
  6. Create a plan:
    • Develop a plan of action for completing your education and training program.
    • Identify resources and support systems, such as mentors, career counselors, and networking groups, that can help you achieve your goals.

Remember to be flexible and open-minded as you navigate your education and career journey. Your interests and goals may change over time, so it's important to remain adaptable and willing to learn new skills and explore new opportunities.


How can high school students evaluate return on investment in relation to making college and career decisions ?


Evaluating the return on investment (ROI) is an important factor to consider when making college and career decisions. Here are some ways that high school students can evaluate ROI in relation to their college and career decisions:

  1. Research the earning potential for their desired career:
    • Students should research the salary range for their desired career based on factors such as location, industry, and level of education. This information can be found through online resources, job websites, and professional organizations.
  2. Estimate the cost of education and training:
    • Students should estimate the cost of their education and training by factoring in tuition, fees, textbooks, and other expenses associated with their chosen program or school.
  3. Consider financial aid and scholarships:
    • Students should research and apply for financial aid and scholarships that can help reduce the cost of their education.
  4. Calculate the ROI:
    • Students can calculate the ROI by subtracting the total cost of their education from the estimated earnings for their desired career over a set period of time, such as 5 or 10 years.
  5. Consider the timeline for achieving ROI:
    • Students should also consider the time it will take to achieve a positive ROI. Some careers may require more education or training, which may mean a longer period before earning a return on investment.
  6. Consider non-financial factors:
    • ROI is important, but it's not the only factor to consider. Students should also consider their personal interests, values, and job satisfaction when making college and career decisions.


By evaluating the ROI of their college and career decisions, high school students can make informed choices that align with their goals and maximize their potential for long-term success.